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T-Shirt Policy


Thank you for supporting the 15th Annual Stop the Silence Walk on Saturday, April 5, 2025. 


T-Shirt pick-up Day will be:

Saturday, March 22, 2025 10:00am to 2:00pm

Forward Times Publishing

4411Almeda Dr

Houston, TX 77004


Please do not call Forward Times.  If you have any questions, please email


Team T-shirts- If you are a member of a team, the team captain or a designee will pick up ALL of the team t-shirts. Individual t-shirts for team members will NOT be distributed. At pick up, please provide your confirmation email with your team member names and sizes.
Individual Registrants- T-shirts can be picked up by the individual or a designee. At pick up, please provide your registration receipt for verification.


Walk Day:  Any guaranteed T-shirts not picked up in advance will be available for will be available for pick-up on walk day for those who registered on or before March 5th. 

Shirts available from 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. @ T-shirt Tent

T-shirts will be distributed individually on Walk Day. This will make the pickup process move much faster. 
If you are a team captain and choose to pick up your team t-shirts make sure you print your team list from the walk website and arrive early! 

-Guaranteed t-shirts onsite are only for those who registered on or before March 5th.  We will use the master list with the registration time stamp to verify.
-We are NOT responsible for any t-shirts not picked up by 11:00am.

**There will be no size exchanges on T-Shirts*
** T-shirts will NOT be mailed.

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